October 8, 2008


We've made some progress on several fronts in the last few days. Belinda and Sharla had meetings in Wichita on Monday and Tuesday, so had to travel there on Sunday. They left in the morning so they had time on Sunday afternoon to look for and price items for the store. They found black shelving units to display bolts of fabric in at a great price - the black will really make the fabric colors pop! (And our husbands will be so happy that they won't have to build them!) They also priced items that are needed to either fix or replace things in the building that are broken- and, of course, they found time to stop at a quilt shop or two. They also found a great deal on carpet, which will not only make the shop more warm and inviting, but will also keep the fabric from getting dirty.

While Belinda and Sharla were gone, Marilyn, Deb and Janet began painting in the building. They got primer on most all of the walls - except for the west wall which has issues that need to be addressed first, and got at least one coat of paint on most of the walls. We love the color - the sage green will really look great against the black trim. Plans are to paint the back wall a brick red color as the accent wall. They also determined that the remains of the moldy wall had to go. Once the sheetrock was removed, it was discovered that only a few nails held it in place and was too unstable. It really opened the space up and looks soooo much better!

On Saturday, the restaurant and arcade equipment will be sold by sealed bid. Hopefully, there will be someone interested in each of the items and everything will sell. Stop by Saturday between 10 and noon and place your bids......please?!

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